
海蒂·卡灵顿·希思 delivers the keynote address

牧师. 海蒂·卡灵顿·希思在骄傲和煎饼早餐会上发表主题演讲.

主要研究 held its 31st annual Pride and Pancakes breakfast Tuesday morning, 庆祝LGBTQIA+社区,作为该校2024年骄傲月庆祝活动的一部分. The event featured a keynote speech from 牧师. 海蒂·卡灵顿·希思, coast Outright的执行董事, and honored the recipients of this year’s Bill Kidder LGBTQIA+ Awards.

这次庆祝活动——以前被称为LGBTQ+和Ally煎饼早餐——在MUB的花岗岩国宾厅举行,并在线直播,供其他虚拟与会者使用. It is just one of several events 主要研究 has planned as part of its 2024年同性恋月 celebration throughout April, including the 2024 Kidder Lecture featuring Tona Brown该会议将于4月18日举行.

纳丁小, chief diversity officer and associate vice president at 主要研究, 欢迎观众参加煎饼早餐,并传达了澳门葡京网赌游戏包容和社区的信息,为上午的活动奠定了基调, signaling the hope “no matter how we identify, that we live in this world as our true selves.”

这个主题在卡灵顿·希思的演讲中也得到了延续. 她首先感谢了即将退休的主要研究研究生院院长Cari Moorhead,感谢她在Seacoast Outright的成立中发挥的关键作用, 才意识到早餐本身和主要研究正在做的工作的重要性.



为此目的, 她指出,在这个立法季期间,新罕布什尔州议会已经或将听取几项与酷儿和跨性别青年有关的法案, 他还鼓励听众为他们感兴趣的问题而奋斗,提出了一些“具体的行动步骤”,,包括组织和激活, 大声说,大声说, 出现, 并且播种和培育支持.

“如果你今天在这里, 你已经在做可以说是最重要的事情——你正在锻炼你的希望肌肉,卡灵顿·希思说.

Following the announcement of the Kidder Award winners, the closing address was delivered by Yashwant Prakash Vyas, 主要研究的主任 Aulbani J. Beauregard Center for Equity, Justice, and Freedom.


Pink Triangle Award: Child Study and Development Center (CSDC)

为了深深的承诺, as a fully engaged team and teaching staff, to ongoing social justice education and advocacy. 例如:2年以上的全员社会正义教育之旅, incorporating anti-bias curriculum within the HDFS program, 并在中心内扩大包容性儿童文学的使用范围.

教师奖:Charli Valdez


通过LGBTQIA+视角的交叉学术镜头优先考虑包容和社会正义, feminist theories and contemporary American literature, 导致普通学生要求超过注册容量和学院学术合作的要求.

员工奖:Kate Gladstone

For imbuing LGBTQIA+ advocacy into prevention education at 主要研究, 包括:创建“关注健康的酷儿关系”培训, co-chairing Research Fieldwork Safety Committee, and creating safe spaces where heteronormativity, 同性恋恐惧症和变性恐惧症可以被尊重和有效地探讨.

Graduate Student Award: Hannah O’Connor

将LGBTQIA+倡议融入当地老年社区的社会工作实习. The methods utilized included: modeling inclusive language, 促进盟友培训, inviting local LGBTQIA+ leaders in to speak with residents, 审查政策和程序,以确保更大的公平和包容.


在主要研究社区内持续支持LGBTQIA+的知名度和宣传, including: stepping up to lead Alliance during the COVID-19 pandemic, 倡导将联盟办公室搬到MUB内更显眼的地方, 并向高层领导表达了LGBTQIA+学生的担忧,这导致了严格的政策审查和众多建议.

Undergraduate Student Award: Allison Duseau

通过多种途径开展与LGBTQIA+倡导和福祉相关的交叉工作, including: modeling inclusive language and practices within H&W实习队列, creating and delivering trainings such as, “Substance Use and the LGBTQIA+ 社区”, and consistent SafeZones facilitation throughout program transitions.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@stilllearninglife.com | 603-862-4465