Friday, May 3, 2024
Thomas Malkoski headshot

托马斯·马尔科斯基,78届,是澳门葡京网赌游戏的保罗·J. Holloway Entrepreneur of the Year.   

Thomas Malkoski ’78, a transformational leader and advisor, has been named the University of New Hampshire’s Paul J. Holloway Entrepreneur of the Year.   

Malkoski will be presented the award at this year’s Paul J. Holloway Prize Competition, UNH’s premier business plan competition. Malkoski毕业于UNH,获得经济学学位,并获得密歇根大学工商管理硕士学位.  

Malkoski’s career spans multiple industries, including public, private equity and private company structures. He has been instrumental in building brands, 通过战略创新,将成熟业务转型为高价值产品,实现终端市场多元化, internal startups and acquisitions.  

Currently, 马尔科斯基是私募股权集团的顾问,也是投资于初创企业的基金的有限合伙人.   

Malkoski remains active in the UNH community, 担任保罗学院院长顾问委员会成员, E-Center咨询工作组和学生运营的莱恩斯天使基金投资委员会. 他还作为霍洛威奖竞赛的评委和UNH学生的导师分享了他的专业知识.  

Previously, Malkoski是Arbor Investments的运营合伙人,也是Oregon Freeze Dry的董事会成员, a pioneer in branded meals and nutritional supplements. 在2021年从活跃的公司领导层退休之前, he was the chairman and CEO of Chaucer Foods, 冻干水果和营养成分的全球领导者,业务遍及三大洲.

Malkoski also spent over 13 years as CEO, Penford Corporation (NASDAQ)总裁兼董事会成员, 为不同行业提供特殊配料的开拓者. Under his guidance, 彭福德成立了一个利润丰厚的清洁技术生物聚合物部门, innovating in adhesives, building materials and personal care sectors.  

With a career that began at Procter & Gamble, followed by significant roles at Chiquita Brands, 格里菲斯实验室和花卉植物种植者的首席执行官, 一家私人股本公司拥有的活跃工厂业务的滚动式游戏, 马尔科斯基毕生致力于创新和卓越的商业领导力. 

Malkoski resides in Atlanta with his wife, Kris, and enjoys time with their three adult children, a grandchild and three grand dogs.